Mollie Autherson, Technical Sales Specialist - DiGiCo
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  • Name, role, and time at the company

Mollie Autherson, Technical Sales Specialist, 3 years

  • Why did you chooseto work here and how this is progressing?

I started working at DiGiCo as a placement student in the software test department. I’d already decided that I wanted a career in the audio industry but more on the technical side so DiGiCo was a good fit. I thoroughly enjoyed my year and was delighted when James agreed that I could come back after I finished my degree. I returned into the Sales department in a technical position where I’ve had the chance to travel, meet customers, and occasionally go back to my roots in the test team when R&D are busy.

  • What areas of work you enjoy? 

One of the coolest things about working at DiGiCo is being able to see our products being used by bands and musicians that I have listened to since I was young. I also love meeting new people in the industry, and the social events with the DiGiCo team.

  • Have you felt supported here in terms of development and mental health?

DiGiCo is like a big family where we all look out for each other. They’ve encouraged me to try new things, looked out for me when travelling and I know that there are people I can talk to if I need to

  • Why would you encourage others to work here?

The people are great. The social events are brilliant fun. Also, since it’s a smaller company than most global manufacturers, I think there is also a greater sense of achievement between the team when we produce a new product. As part of that, everyone gets their chance to be heard. Even when I was a placement student, people listened to my ideas and some even made it into the console software.

  • What is the atmosphere like in the company?

There is a brilliant atmosphere in the office. Lots of fun but also plenty of work. I see people in the company more like friends as opposed to colleagues.

  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

MD of DiGiCo.


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