Technical FAQ - DiGiCo
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Technical FAQ

Frequently asked questions about Technical Support

How does gain on the DRack and D2 rack correspond to gain on an SD rack?

The SD Rack and the DRack / D2 Rack have different hardware designs. This needs to be taken into consideration when translating gains between the various rack types.

The SD Rack has an input gain range of -20dB to +60dB

The DRack and D2 Rack have a +10dB to +60dB range and -20dB pad function.

The following table shows how gains less than +10dB are achieved using the pad.

-5dB overall attenuation set the -20 pad and add 15dB gain

-10dB overall attenuation set the -20 pad and add 10dB gain

0dB overall gain set the -20 pad and add 20dB gain

5dB overall gain set the -20 pad and add 25dB gain

Note that -10dB is the minimum achievable gain on the DRack and D2 Rack. This is not the same as SD-Rack which allows up to -20dB of attenuation (shown as -20 on the gain knob).

Console System operating temperatures

DiGiCo equipment is rated for operation (as opposed to storage) between 5 deg C and 35 deg C.

The lower limit avoids condensation problems and possible startup problems associated with the control computers. The upper limit relates to the safety approvals or certain PSU components and limits of reliable operation of the control computers.

Ambient temperatures in excess of 40 deg C should be avoided wherever possible. Note all temperatures relate to free-flowing ambient air surrounding the console or rack located in the shade, never direct sunshine.

SD Racks work satisfactorily up to 50 deg C ambient.  It is normal for the full speed cooling to engage above 30 deg C ambient. The long-term effect on the life expectancy of equipment subjected to extreme temperatures routinely, or for long periods, is unknown.

Operation at temperatures around 0 deg C should be avoided due to potential condensation related issues.  It is important in very cold conditions not to attempt to start the system if condensation may have formed – you should bring a very cold console / rack into a warmer location and allow temperatures to stabilise for some time, typically around an hour, before powering up.

How do I calibrate my faders?

There should never be a need to calibrate faders on any of our systems, unless you have physically changed a fader and even then, it is not usually required.

Do not attempt to recalibrate the faders unless you have specifically been instructed to do so. If in doubt, contact DiGiCo technical support.

How do i clean my faders?

All faders are a susceptible to airborne dirt. When contaminated, the faders may not accurately know where they are, and incorrect operation may occur.

The solution to this is the clean the faders and not recalibrate them. You may need to replace them if cleaning does not help enough. Much like tyres on a car, faders do wear out.

Your local distributor will be able to advise on cleaning procedure and replacement faders when the time comes.

MacOS Catalina 10.15 and Compatibility

During October, Apple have released a new operating system, MacOS Catalina 10.15.
Until we confirm full compatibility with relevant DiGiCo applications and drivers, we strongly recommend you remain on your current version of MacOS to avoid potential issues.
We are working on this and will inform you further as soon as possible.
This applies to the following:•UBMADI Drivers for MacOS UBMADI drivers provided by us will not work with Catalina but the standard Apple provide Core Audio drivers can be used
•4REA4 MIDI Control application for MacOS


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